Cultural Diversity

Αφροδίτη Χριστίνα Σταυρίδου


The goal of this module is to familiarize adult English learners with cultural diversity, cultural (mis)understandings and cross-cultural communication through use of theoretical materials (video lectures, journals) as well as online discussions with their classmates. The module also aims to teach students to understand nuances and details within video and article resources within specialized fields, to recognize, analyze and evaluate different data and the possible implicit biases and how to present research data through video reports as well as do collaborativeresearch and cross-examination of data.


Welcome to the Cultural Diversity course! To get started I would like all of you to brainstorm and try to briefly define what cultural diversity means to you based on your experience and prior knowledge. Upload your ideas on the Padlet linked below.

Now that you have tried to define what cultural diversity means to you, it is worth asking why is it important to support cultural identity? Read the section "Why is cultural diversity a “good thing”?" and answer the multiple choice questions to check your understanding.

Watch the video linked below, focusing on the 0:00-6:23 part. Think about the examples of cultural misunderstandings presented in the video in relation to the importance of cultural diversity. Can you think of any other instances from your personal experiences where cultural misunderstandings have happened? What could have been done to avoid it? How did you deal with the situation? Post your answers and discuss with your colleagues in the "Discussion" tab.

Read the article attached below. Using the knowledge acquired from the previous units, analyzing and synthesizing old with new information from as many of the sources as possible, try to explain how it is possible to make multicultural societies exist in harmony and thrive. Please answer in essay form of around 500 words. You can include your own sources as well. Upload your answers in a document form in the "Assignments" section.

Before we end this course, it is important to become more aware of our own biases related to cultural diversity. Watch the video linked below, focusing on 3:12 - 6:51. Think about your own perceptions of various groups of people/identities (gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, class, religion etc.) and consider what are the consequences of our cultural biases in our everyday communication. Think about ways to handle cultural biases in our everyday lives too. Share your opinions on the discussion forum with the same title as this unit.

We have reached the end of this course! Now, using the data you have accumulated throughout the course from discussions and articles as well as using your own resources, create a video report answering the question: "How can we celebrate and embrace cultural diversity within a variety of societies?".

The video length should be maximum 7 minutes. Justify your answers and provide your bibliography.



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