Cultural Diversity
Γενικοί σύνδεσμοι |
Brainstorming Padlet | Purdue Article on Cultural Diversity and its Importance | How cross-cultural understanding can help us to see each other | Simone Buijzen | TEDxSittardGeleen | How far are we willing to accommodate ethnic minorities? | Has multiculturalism failed? | What is empirical research? definition, types & samples | A good program for video creation | Helpful tips for your video report assignment | Canva for students who want some powerful but simple editing tools Using Canva is of course optional, you can keep your video report very simple, I am just offering this program for students who want to make something more "catchy". Canva can be a very helpful program since you do not need advanced skills to be able to use it. | Are you biased? I am | Kristen Pressner | TEDxBasel |
Συλλογικοί σύνδεσμοι |
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