Gender Equality

Δημήτριος Παναγιώτης Λαμπριανίδης


The main aim of this module is to familiarize adult English learners with the main ideas of equality and lack thereof between male and female gender in a social, working, and cultural environment. Additionally, it will focus on the global progress that's been made throughout the years and what still needs to change going forward for a society where both men and women have equal rights and opportunities. Journals, articles, asynchronous lectures, and online communication through forums will be the main forms of participation in the course.


Hello everyone and welcome to this online module on gender equality! I hope you all find it useful, informative, and enjoyable! To begin with, I would like you to give me your definitions of what ''Gender Equality'' means for you in the ''Blog'' section of the Eclass. There's no need for you to look anything up, just briefly share your ideas.

Now that we have collaboratively defined the main ideas and principles of ''gender equality'', it's time to discuss the other side of the coin which is ''gender inequality''. In this unit, we will focus on gender roles that have been implemented in current societies and how they can negatively affect both men and women in their everyday lives. After that, I would like you to share some personal experiences, through the forum section of the eclass, where you, or someone you know, had an experience that could be attributed to gender stereotypes. Since this can be a sensitive issue, take that into consideration when sharing your experiences.

After having discussed gender inequality and your everyday experiences, we will now move on by talking about the impact the media can have on perpetuating gender inequality and stereotypes. After having read the given material, I would like you to write a simple case study analysis on the perpetuation of gender inequality through a media of your choice. Some examples include newspapers, television, social media, etc. You are advised to visit the link on writing a case study analysis as guidance for your paper.

After having discussed cases of gender inequality in our current environment, we should move forward by having a look at the progress that's been made during the last two centuries. In this unit, we will be focusing on the four waves of feminism through Ania Malinowska's article ''Waves of Feminism''. Only after having read the article thoroughly, should you proceed and do ''Quiz 1'' listed under this unit. 

We will move forward by discussing how has gender equality positively affected Nordic countries. These past-conservative countries have managed to achieve great levels of gender equality and this unit focuses on how was this reached. We will also be delving into some fallacies that completely leave out cases of gender inequality in these countries. After having taken a look at the material I have provided you with, you are asked to complete ''Quiz 2'' which serves as a reading comprehension activity.

We have officially reached the end of this online module about gender equality. Now that we have discussed many different aspects of this social issue, I would like you to write an essay summarizing your views and ideas about what could be done (individually and/or collectively) to promote gender equality in the future. You may view the link listed under the unit for ideas you can touch upon in your essay. I hope you all enjoyed this online module, it was a pleasure to work with all of you!



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